The Blackhawks is a non-profit girls travel softball organization that was founded in 2012. It's homebase is located out of Findlay, OH. However we have coaches, teams and athletes across the Northwest Ohio areas.
Blackhawks is dedicated to teaching fundamentals and life skills through good sportsmanship, leadership, positive coaching and peer and parent communication.
Blackhawks is organized as a 501 (c) 3 and administered by a Board of Directors who each share a common mission to provide an opportunity for youth to develop their skills and character on and off the field of play while promoting a multi-sport environment.
Hancock Co. CVB Grant | Shop Supply Services | Clouse Construction |
Brick Barn Rental Group | Tater Built Turbos | |
loanDepot - Scott Snapp | Findlay Warehouse | |
A1 Tent Rentals | Railroad Customs | |
Holt Roofing Company | ||
Your Legacy Federal CU |